Friday 22 July 2011

Tuesday 7 June 2011

Shortlisted: NUS Student Survey Poster 2011

The NUS National Student Survey runs a poster competition every year to advertise their survey and encourage students to take part. This was my design for 2011 which was shortlisted.

Storehouse NUCA Student Magazine

This was an advertising poster design for submissions for an issue of the NUCA student magazine. The Issue theme was change.

NEoN: North East of North Character Competition

This was my entry for the North East of North Character competition, the character design was to go on t- shirts. It had to conform to the semi- circle shape. My character is called Wilber the Whale.

Shortlisted: Apostrophe Coffee London Winter Cup Design 2010/11

Apostrophe is a Coffee Shop chain based in London, they held a competition to design their winter coffee cups for winter 2010/11. My entry was selected in the shortlist.

Positive Posters

Positive Posters Inc. is an Australian-based
philanthropic organisation that, raises international
awareness for global social issues.

This was my entry for their annual poster competition.
Brief: Design a poster around the slogan "A glass half full"

Friday 5 November 2010

NME Website

Just thought I'd put this on here- one of my videos is on the NME website! (Granted it's only an "Outake, Making of..." style vid, but still!)